Monday, 18 January 2010

My Life List

Okay.  So today I compiled a list of 100 things I would love to do at some point in my life, if I had no financial restraints or other worries.  Suffice it to say that most of these items are suffixed "with my husband and kids" but some of them are just for me. 

Do you have a Life List?  What does it look like?

Mammy P's Life List*

1. Go camping – properly, like with tents and having to cook stuff on fires, etc.

2. Buy a digital SLR camera and learn to use it properly

3. Have laser eye surgery

4. Fit into considerably smaller jeans

5. Take a cooking class – Japanese or something exotic

6. Learn to sew clothes – properly

7. Teach the kids to swim

8. Write a novel

9. Publish an article in a magazine

10. See the Canadian Rockies

11. Swim in loads of different oceans

12. Scuba dive a coral reef

13. Play guitar and sing live again somewhere

14. Get a full body massage

15. Parachute out of a plane

16. Bungee jump

17. Finish my family tree

18. Go back to where I got married for romantic weekend break

19. Stay in a villa in Tuscany and make my own olive oil

20. Do a wine tasting course

21. Go to the water market in Thailand

22. Swim with the glowy plankton

23. Learn to speak French – properly

24. Climb up the stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower

25. Climb up the stairs to the top of the CN Tower

26. Take a holiday somewhere just with my Mum

27. Take a holiday somewhere just with my husband - other than our honeymoon we've never been anywhere on our own together!  WTF?

28. Drive a motor home across Canada and back through the US.  Or the other way round.  I'm not fussy.

29. Ride a motorbike

30. Go to India and eat curry off a giant banana leaf

31. Have a pin up girl style photograph taken of myself  (Jason says, ‘With boob implants.’) Er... scratch that part.

32. Get more tattoos  22 Feb 2010: today I got a 'B' on my inside left wrist, and a 'J' on my inside right wrist... for Benjamin and Jude, my two adorable boys.  Hurrah, me!  YAY, LIFE LIST!

33. Ring a big church bell so I lift off the floor

34. Replace the car I crashed of Uncle David’s

35. Send my parents to San Francisco on holiday

36. Have a big wedding anniversary party

37. Live in another country for a year

38. Visit the graves of Berlioz and Beethoven

39. Learn to play the violin

40. Get my eyelashes tinted

41. Go to a real masquerade ball

42. Learn to ride a horse

43. Take my dad for a ride on the 'Marrakesh Express' - a train from Casablanca to Marrakesh

44. Change a tyre on the car

45. Fix something in the engine of the car

46. Make cheese

47. Go stargazing in a dark part of the earth

48. Experience zero gravity

49. Take Jason on an African safari in one of those fancy tents with toilets and showers

50. Go in the hot springs in Iceland

51. Fly over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter

52. Make something pretty on a potters wheel

53. Conduct an orchestra

54. Learn yoga

55. Learn a ballroom/latin dance with Jason

56. Get henna on my hands/feet/both

57. Sleep in a castle

58. See the Northern Lights

59. Blow glass

60. Run a marathon

61. Drive a narrowboat through England’s canalways

62. Cross the Atlantic on a big fancy boat

63. Play a pipe organ

64. Teach the boys to play the piano

65. Teach the boys to play the guitar

66. Grow vegetables

67. Learn to tap dance

68. Learn to juggle

69. Learn Tai Chi

70. Take my kids to a maple sugar bush

71. Sleep in a tepee

72. Cross the Equator to see water spiral in the opposite direction

73. Go to a chiropractor

74. Get my hair cut short again

75. Go on an eating-everything holiday in Italy

76. Stay in a fancy schmancy hotel in Venice

77. Jump down a sand dune in the Sahara desert

78. Sleep outside in a water villa in the Maldives

79. Buy an old house and renovate/restore it

80. Drive up the Pacific Coast Highway in a convertible

81. Swim with dolphins in their natural environment

82. Ride in a hot air balloon

83. Stay in a riad in Morocco

84. Have a weekend in Bath and do all the Jane Austen touristey stuff

85. Learn to dance ‘Mr Beveridge’s Maggot’

86. See the Pyramids of Giza

87. See the Pyramids in Mexico

88. Visit Windsor Castle in a ‘behind the scenes’ sort of way

89. Take Dad on a journey in a submarine

90. Become a graduate

91. Meet some of my favourite authors

92. Travel on a luxury overnight train

93. Mud wrestle my husband

94. Visit Auschwitz

95. Own a brand new car

96. Give blood

97. Go to Salzburg and do the Sound of Music tour with my Mum

98. Drive a really fast car on an open track

99. Travel to the top of the Earth’s atmosphere

100. Learn to play the drums

101. Go skinnydipping.  Like, as an adult.

* subject to change at any point without given notice, when I think of more stuff, better stuff, or like... more generous and charitable/less selfish stuff


Renee said...

Congratulations on your life list!

Delphinus-blogger said...

we can help on one issue of your life list!

Dolphin Swim!!!

take a look...

Delphinus-blogger said...

sorry, want to make it clickable..

I'm not any web expert, so let see...

anyway, if this does not work, look for it at google.


momtoQTs said...

I want to see you mud wrestle Jason!

Tanya said...

You are one of the funniest, most interesting, entertaining, surprising, open-minded, adventurous people I know. I loved reading that list Nic!! xo